Oh, Vicki, how all this is! I'm sorry this is happening to your loved ones and to you, by loving them! I hope your SIL gets the best care and recovers from the tumor. I've had two friends, as strange as that is, have tumors removed that did well.
I have had three tumors removed, my younger sister had 5 and my older sister had over 10! They can do much to help and I'm sure they will.
I'm sorry for yor daughters upset. That can scare us so. When our children are not firmly on the ground, it can be frightening and so very hard on us! In your case you must take responsibilty for your grandchild as well as try to support your daughter! Add that to your own worry, stress and life, and you have such a heavy burden.

I'm sorry.]

I will keep your family in my thoughts and read the whole thread here. I just wanted to start by saying how hard it was to read your post because things are so rough.

Please take care of YOU too.


"Question your privilege"