Western Bluebird,

I did the best I could to release and grieve as each thing came up. I was a psych major in college - it taught me what to do. But the affects were cumulative anyway. My dad died 22 years ago. I'm really okay with that loss now. I recently dreamed about him, he was getting new tires on the car so he could come and take Mom home with him. She's 87, and it's time for her to go. It was a nice dream. I was comforted by it.

It was horrid with my brother. It's something a person never expects. My parents were good and loving people. It turns out my brother is schizophrenic - his mind was messed up by prescription drugs. They are what pushed him over the edge. I wrote a book about it. It is out of print, but you might be able to find it used on Amazon.com. It's called Hidden Victims: The Other Side of Murder.

One of the sayings I like best is by Helen Keller - "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." To me this life is all about learning, growing and becoming. I am a far better person because of all the pain. And I'm happier.... Happiness is a gift I give myself - a decision I make every day.
