I don't BLAME anyone for being worried; our economy is a worrisome situation. Why did builders build such big, expensive houses, with vaulted ceilings, etc.; the utilities and taxes had to be enormous. Gov't spends money on crazy stuff. 60 Minutes had a clip about them spending billions of dollars to save salmon. And every now and again you'll hear about projects that seem to costs huge sums and it makes you wonder if that money couldn't have been used in a wiser area. They say stock market speculators are driving up the price of oil. So why somebody doesn't stop the incline, I haven't a clue. Let's agree to pray 4 the American economy. Actually, I'm sure U already R!!! And the money that Americans give to disaster relief that's squandered or stolen, is another issue that should be re-routed toward more honest shoulders!!!!

Edited by jabber (06/28/08 02:44 PM)