Things are booming around here, just like they did in the 70s and 80s when 'oil' was a problem. After the big problems in the 80s, Houston diversified, having mainly been a port and oil industry area. Now, they have finance, tech, fashion, better tourism, medical (a major draw), sports, and still oil and the port. My SNL and I were just talking about this night before last. We both concurred, it all puts a bigger target on the area - for terrorist action, that is.

We've been living on a shoestring for so long, we pretty much have it down to a science. What's in my wallet - books of stamps, one credit card, my library card, my address book, my check book (which I never use), and some small bills.
Speaking of cash, another thing my SNL mentioned to me --- he said he and his friends are carrying more cash these days. He's also made sure his and his families' (our oldest daughter and their four children) passports are current. He intends to fly this joint if things get too bad (in his eyes) for the six of them. I'm glad he told me, because I'll be right behind them... pulling our other daughter and her family with us.