Dianne, there are people who claim to be all sorts of "religious" who live with hypocrisy and hatred in their hearts. Unfortunately, you find them everywhere. They think that just because they've labeled themselves (whatever) religion, that makes them a religious person.

Spirituality comes from a place deep inside, and everywhere around us. Some people access it better by belonging to a certain religion or fellowship or congregation, and other people may find that these external things are not as important as the internal motivation. Some people do both.

What is important is that you understand your spiritual values, whatever they may be. Look for love and light wherever you go. If some people are petty and hypocritical, don't define yourself against them; just keep walking. You can only lose that game if you play it.

If you feel you need a church, then keep looking until you find one. Don't let the bad ones get you down. If you don't need a church, then don't be guilty. Sit down with yourself, and figure exactly what you DO need, and then go about finding it. Also understand that what you need at one time in your life, may not be what you need in another.

You have wasted too much energy reacting to negative people. YES, you should be angry, but it's time to move on your own path.

You are a good person. Your light shines through in the work you do and the way you care for others. When you dwell on negativity, then you let the shadow obliterate the light.