Smile, I totally agree with Francine regarding cherishing every day those we love. I remember a couple of years ago, my mom was in the hospital, in P.R. My twin sister is the only one living in P.R. and she was so concerned of what would happen to mom and the results of her tests. She could not stand the thought of loosing mom. She used to call me and cry and wonder.

When I told her she was needlessly suffering ahead of time, her attitude changed and she was able to focus in what mom needed at the time. It's in times like those when we need to trust even more in the Lord and live one day at a time. God didn't promise a life without sorrows or difficulties, he promised to be with us each step ofthe way, regardless of what the road brings. That is a comfort for me each and every day.

For now, I just try to make mom feel very special each and every time I talk, write, see her. And I give her all my love! The rest, as hard as it may be, is in the hands of my loving heavenly Father.

And those tests my sister dreaded? They came out
negative! Praise the Lord!

[ July 27, 2005, 12:10 PM: Message edited by: Songbird ]