You know, it's hard to think about these things happening. Because you always think you won't face it. But the truly awesome thing about God is that He does give you peace during these heartaches. It's like when my husband had a major heart attack, was med-evaced up to Tucson and then 2 days later taken to surgery for openheart surgery before I could make the 70 mile drive to the hospital. If you would've told me ahead of time that I would've had a sense of peace about all that I would have said ... right, and pigs fly. But its true. And it was the same with my Mom.

I think the important lesson is to cherish every day with those we love and live life in the present. That's been a very hard lesson for me ... one I'm still learning.

Thank you all so much for your heartfelt comments and your tender compassion. It's people like you who help when we do face loss.

Blessings, Francine