I love that, MA - hoping she peed on his pants. LOL

I was thinking pretty much the same as JJ. I am sure he feels some guilt too; guilt that his family isn't intact, guilt that he isn't raising his daughter; guilt that she is happy with the two of you.....

As long as we are talking about ungrateful kids, get this one. My brother, lives in California, has only been home to see mom and dad two times in the past 10 years. He came home for dad's 80th five years ago and for mom's 80th last month. He hadn't been home for 5 years before dad's event. And both times, he managed to eek out about 4 hours with the folks. And he probably won't be back until we bury one of them.

I don't get it. Sure, my parents are not fun, but then neither is my brother! And, sorry, but he is of our generation.
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