I've read this thread, moved away from it on purpose because it angers me so for sweet Larry, then I would come back fully intending to post, but...

Here are my late thoughts...LJ said it all. Move on. I know it hurts you because you love Larry so much and it is a total injustice. What brats they are, and that is not the adjective I wanted to use for them. Totally self-absorbed.

But whatever you do, my dear friend, don't let them ruin any part of your lives together. If you let them, they win. They have put a wedge there that could possibly damage your relationship with Larry. I know that sounds absurb, but it could happen.

Kids do these things because they can. They can. They can do it and so what? They know Larry loves them too much to say anything to them, and that the fear of losing them all together is so great, he won't challenge them. So...they continue on down the path of IT'S ALL ABOUT ME. Let them.

Get on with your life. If you have the BBQ, ignore them. Act as though nothing has happened. Talk to Larry, and invite other guest that you can converse with. Why? Because...they have chosen NOT to make either of you a part of their lives....so choose the same for your own. But genuinely get on with your lives. Let them see that LIFE IS GOOD WITHOUT THEM.

It will make them think, "Hey wait a minute, how could they possibly be this happy when it's all about me?" Maybe they will think/realize that YOUR worlds do not revolve around them...but that you have your own friends, life, fun, etc.

And if the above advice does not work, I could send Bubba and Earl down to make um an offer they can't refuse...capish?