Mustang, breathe...breathe deep...try to look up and out and around at the beauty of nature around you, and breathe that's not going to fix all these problems, but when everything collapses around us and we're left standing in an incomprehensible chaos of rubble, sometimes it's all we can see and we think there's just no way out of all of that. But there is. Maybe the path out isn't clear right this moment, but the most important thing you have to do is to KEEP BREATHING, even if it means sitting down on some of that rubble and putting your head in your hands and just breathe.

You're definitely not alone. I don't know what all of your circumstances are, but I definitely have been hopelessly entangled in an life-changing excruciatingly mind-mangling train wreck that seemed impossible to be extricated from in one piece.

I know it's very hard, perhaps impossible right now, to see this, but trust me, trust someone who's been there, didn't think I'd make it out alive, but are INFINITELY stronger than you even imagine yourself to be...BUT that strength doesn't come packaged the way you might expect it to. It comes packaged as the moaning courage to get out of bed in the morning, it comes packaged as a desperate cry for help (that IS strength to reach out to others for help), it comes packaged as the realization at the end of the day that you've only moved three steps forward but slid two steps back BUT that you know you'll try again tomorrow. That's strength.

Break all of this chaos into smaller, more manageable chunks. Deal only with the stuff that absolutely has to be dealt with right now...put the rest of it on the back burner and only deal with it - both physically and mentally - when you absolutely have to. Make a list of what it would take to get you out of this rubble and back onto solid ground. If those things on your list are doable, do them, one at a time. If you need help, find it, or find friends, family or us who will help you or help you find the right help.

Nothing is tougher than you are. You can't see it right now, but that's the truth of who you are. There are many facets to our being, and sometimes we can only see the dark chaos of perceived failure and hopeless entrapment - but that's MOST DEFINITELY not all that there is. We do have everything we need to get ourselves through whatever dark tunnel we're crawling through. We're here. Use us. Lean on us. We'll help you get through, one step, one thought, one moment at a time.

Carrying you in heart and prayer...cling to us, cling to our vision of a way through to the other side of this rubble, cling to hope, cling to God...He has NOT ABANDONED YOU - and remember to breathe!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)