he he.. I maintain that my handwriting was ruined by taking notes in class and lectures at college..many years ago. I studied psychology..so there was lots of note taking!

I am GLAD that we have emails today..and msn (chat sites)! I wonder if I would ever keep in touch with some of my friends if these places didn´t exist??? I don´t always like talking on the phone after a hectic day with the kids at work. I crave silence..both my own and others´. Eventho it doesn´t work too well with my 18yr old who is always playing computer games and talking on skype and playng music. But he´s in the kitchen..so I can shut the door on him when need be!

I chat and send messages to my friends who live fairly near me..but then, they do the same! Thank you computers!!! And the IT!!!
"some sacred place.."