I crammed a lot of activity into my Sunday yesterday) - gardening, grooming the dog, ironing, food shopping,and got the boys organised to stay home and babysit while hubby and I went to the evening service, first time in quite a while...was looking forward to a worshipful end to a good day...but I find that the whole church is in worse turmoil than i realised over the gay ordination issue, the minister about to be tossed out...people leaving...in a way i think that staying AWAY from church has been strangely protective of my belief - although I miss my peer group (they are the ones walking out and going to other churches. We live in a bible belt and there are plenty to chose from). I have been so caught up with the mundane business of living that i haven't kept in contact as i should - need some wisdom from the elders of this tribe - wondering what to do - in this situation everyone thinks they are "right". I begin to wonder if it matters at all - aren't the relationships being lost more important than theology? Or is it really all about power and control (the cynic in me says yes).