JJ, who is JESSE????? You would make a perfect Poncho model as the color of this one is a dark rust color with white edging. Its a challenge, so keep your fingers crossed I end up with something nice and worth sharing when it done.

I love photography too, flowers and still life but yee-gads that gets to expensive for my single lady pocketbook these days.

Like Eagle, the room situation here is less than sufficient for any added hobby stuff.

My ex BIL use to walk up and down the miles and miles of Indiana Dunes with a cart and collect old pieces of useless drift wood, then he'd bring it home to his workshop in his garage and make the most beautiful lamps from it and he'd give them as gifts or sell them at the Swap Meets.

So many people here at the resort make crafts and we have a huge sale once a year that lots of people look forward to.

JJ, I wish I were closer to you too for many, many reasons...

Edited by chatty lady (05/08/08 05:09 PM)
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