I meant on the web/computer. And the examples I gave were just to hopefully spur everyone on to think about what desires for creativity they may have.

I think desiging CUSTOM Web pages would be awesome. I don't have the patience to do that full time, like as in a job, but I just bet you would be sooooo good at it.

I don't want anything to do with the water. I love watching the ocean, and I know that people who sail swear by it, but I have a great fear of sharks and other things that go bump into the water...no thanks. But to each her own. I have friends who sail and they come back happy and satisfied.

Anyone else want to admit...ah...I mean share what they would LOVE to do? Let's leave time out of it. Let's say you have all of the time in the world...and so, what you would love to do issssss?