Originally posted by lionspaaw:
But, like you said Kira - when my husband goes silent and I see the tears in his eyes - I know that something has reminded him of Robert - and it breaks my heart to see him ache like that. I wish I could take his pain away, but all I can do is touch his hand or give him a hug and stay close until it passes. And then there is my other son's pain -- he keeps everything bottled up inside and I don't know how to help him. This is so much harder to deal with than my own pain -------- I feel I not only let Robert down -- but his father and brother too.


Lion, what a blessing you and your hubby have in each other. [Wink] You are so loving and compassionate. I can hear it in your posts. I can relate to what you say about the pain of others. When our children hurt, we hurt more. That's unconditional love.

Do you talk about Robert when you are with your son, or do you avoid the topic? I don't mean to pry, but everyone handles these things differently.

Our past minister always expressed the importance of continuing to talk about the deceased in his eulogies.

I appreciate it so much when I'm with a firend and they talk about my mom. A friend shared something with me on the phone the other day about Mom. She told her kids a story about Mom and they laughed for 10 minutes. It brought so much joy to my heart that she would remember the story in the first place...and then think it was worthy of repeating to her kids.

I'll pray that people continue to remember him to you if that makes you happy. [Wink]