I too eat a lot of soups. Everything left over from a meal does not now get tossed, I make it into a soup, so many things make soups taste awesome. I have been shopping a the Dollar Store of late and was and am still amazed at the bargains there. My so called wealthier friends are shopping there now too.

Lynnie space heaters are a good source of heat but be very careful they can be dangerous if too close to curtains etc.

I am also growing spuash, peppers and tomatoes in those hanging, upside down planters all along my patio. Last year I had so many tomatoes I was trading them for other type veges from friends gardens. I also am looking for someone to teach me how to can vegetables etc.
I never leave the house unless I absolutely have to and then if going somewhere close and its not too hot I ride my bike.

Edited by chatty lady (05/06/08 06:09 PM)
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