I hope your daughter takes a very long break and takes time to heal...going into another relationship so soon doesn't give her time to deal with all the baggage she's carrying with her from mistake #1. I speak from experience. I hope she'll take time to enjoy her children, which is the most important thing...continue to get some counseling to find out why she stayed with a controller and then after a couple of years, step back into the dating scene.
Of course, it's her decision whatever she wants to do...but, the more solid she is within her own self, the less assurance she'll need from someone else and she won't give another man that kind of power over her again...and if she does see that she'll be strong enough to tell them to hit the road.
Glad the divorce is over ... that cannot have been easy for her or her family.
Give her our love...
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards