You've tried your best, Hannelore for your mother.

I can't quite believe that you would dread loneliness for certain time periods....

You underestimate yourself Edelweiss. I've never met you yet, but you seem wonderfully socialable with a wide range of people but with reserves of quiet thoughtfulness and solo activity. An fellow painter sees this is others who share the similar activity.

you also have 2 sons who seem to naturally turn to you to at least communicate with you in a positive manner. That is a good sign that you won't be forgotten forever in the future.

My partner worried about his mother when she was living in a seniors apartment. She is actually someone good with young people and not a grumpy person, but she never cared to socialize heavily with other residents. Just 1-2 good friends.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)