Hi Chatty, I didn't listen to the show yet, but I found the site. It seems like he wants to talk about socially relevant issues. I'm so glad to hear that the poopie puppy is ok! I had a pet moment today. Here's the story: We have a fenced yard. With a gate. Last week we had our yard marked for utilities so we can know where or where not to plant a tree. We had to unlock the gate to let the utilities guys in the yard when we were not home. Doggies are used to going out into the yard safe and secure. No worries. This morning doggies went out as usual. But then I had this funny feeling. I said to DH, "Hey, did you ever lock the gate?" (he has the key) and he said, "Oh, no, I keep forgetting." I said, "It's so windy, I wonder if the gate flew open and the dogs got out." He said, "if the dogs get out, they won't go anywhere." What? They are terriers, they chase any little critter! So, by that time, I was on my way outside and sure enough, the gate was wide open. No dogs in the yard. The dogs were up the street, in a neighbors yard, sitting together looking INTO someone's sliding glass door. They were looking at a dog on the inside! So, moral of story, trust your gut when it comes to your dogs! And, always check the gate because DHs tend to forget!