Humlan, Eagle and to any woman hurting today, I feel for you and pray God brings healing and encouragement to you today.

To all of you, caring, wonderful ladies that make BWS a special place to share I must kindly, but emphatically, remind:

Love thy neighbor as you love thyself-Matthew 22:39. This states that we must love, be kind to ourselves before we can share love and kindness with others, simply, because we can't give what we don't have. I stress this, not because I have no idea, but because I've been there too.

When we struggle with thoughts of not being loved, we must turn our eyes to the Lord. We are sinners, but God loved each of us so much, that He gave His only Son that we might not perish but have everlasting life .

Our worth comes not from anything on this earth, but because of the immense value God placed on each of us when He sent His Son to save us.

I understand what it is to struggle with issues of unworthiness, lack of love and other negative thoughts. Life is not easy, it inflicts deep wounds that only God can heal, others are quick to judge, relationships don't provide the love and understanding we seek/need. We make mistakes...

But God pulled me through. He gave my life meaning, purpose, a reason to be. Understanding the love he showed me on the cross, changes my perspective, regardless of what others do/say.

Nothing replaces this: For God so loved Songbird that He gave His ONLY Son... I am special to the Lord. Weather others realize it or treat me with the dignity a human being deserves or not, it helps to keep John 3:16 in mind.

I always remember that no one can put me down without my consent. Meaning, we can control the effect others have on us. I say this with love, great admiration and respect for you all. We are too valuable for Heaven. Let us keep this in mind forever!

May God's love embrace each of us daily, so that no one can harm us .
In His Service, Songbird
"Call me and I"ll answer"-Jer. 33:3