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Capt. Bob Bartlett celebration event receives funding

The provincial government has handed the Historic Sites Association of Newfoundland and Labrador an additional $225,000 to support Celebrating Bartlett 2009, an event to mark the life and achievements of Arctic explorer Capt. Bob Bartlett.
The funding, to be provided over a two-year period, will bring the total government funding of this event to $400,000 since 2006.
“Capt. Bob Bartlett’s accomplishments include far more than his famous 1909 Polar expedition with Robert Peary,” Tourism Minister Clyde Jackman said. “He is internationally recognized for his early Arctic exploration and subsequent scientific expeditions.”
Activities being organized by the association include travelling exhibits, dramatic presentations, educational programs, lectures, and a ports program with the Bowdoin, an Arctic expeditionary schooner from Bartlett’s era.
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