Since you like the Oak tree girls look up this old lady...there is a picture on the site.

Birnam Oak
Murthly Estates
The Birnam Oak © Edward Parker

As the sole survivor of the wood that played a significant part in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the Birnam Oak (Quercus petrae) simply reeks of history.

“I will not be afraid of death and bane till Birnam Forest come to Dunisnane.”
Macbeth, Act V, Scene III

The tree is believed to be part of the wood from which Malcolm's soldiers cut branches to disguise their attack on Macbeth at Dunsinane Hill, 15 miles to the south east. Today the gnarled and ancient oak certainly looks medieval – its lower branches rest wearily on crutches and the first 3 metres/ 10 ft of its trunk are hollow.

Visit the tree at any time of year.
Mountain ash