We are going back and forth. Sofia only gets her 8 days out of the month and has to pay child support as well. This was a very disappointing outcome and I am never going to understand how nasty people seem to get ahead.

Having said this, I have to remain positive, that God knows what He is doing and sooner or later, these people will be exposed for what they are.

My dad has not been doing well lately, but I am hoping he will get some other kind of treatment. He and my mom had to return from Greece early because he was sick the entire time.

I posted a couple of pictures of Zoey in the Grandmother's section Zoey Swimming

Oh and I don't think I mentioned this, but there will be a review with the judge as to where Sofia and Zoey's dad are. Sofia's lawyer recommended this due to the age of both parents and how rapidly the maturity level changes.

I love you all Alot!

Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!