I think one of the hardest things being a mom is learning that there ARE times we arent allowed to be human [Smile]

The human part of us wants to hear this and that and we want to hear it when we want to hear it -- but the mother in us has to learn that we don't have that "right" or control over someone else.

I knew that time would someday tell if my youngest son had forgiven me for all the times I had let him down -- we had been so close when he was a child and I really didn't know if we would ever be close again -- then a few years ago I was sitting in the chair looking out the window at nature and he walked up behind me -- put his arms around me and said "I love you mom" -- I froze --I was sooooo scared to say anything -- afraid to move -- if I even breathed he might let go and walk away. How could I keep this moment going on and on and on -----

After I felt safe with my voice to speak -- I told him he had just made my day -- my year -- and that I loved him too. To my surprise he didn't bolt -- and after a minute or two he let me go and we discussed how it might rain later or something silly and unimportant -- and yet it was more meaningful to me than words can express.

It was done -- I was forgiven and we were on the forward track once again -- no excuses or long discussion -- all was well again and it was all in God's time [Smile]

so don't kick yourself too hard -- it's only human for us mothers to forget we can't always be human [Wink]