
Yes Dotsie.. i think this questioning is quite essential to me right now. I have to pursue these things seriously..what I mean is..give weight to them. And it´s kind of exciting,too. It´s interesting that a relationship can give you the means to take yourself more seriously..very very interesting!

This is what I love about midlife. We have time to reflect. We have time to consider what makes us tick, then time to spend doing more of it. It's a most exciting time because we can finally focus a bit on ourselves after caring for others for so many years.

Relationships that allow you the freedom to explore your own interests and encourage you to be your best self are the best kinds of relationships that help you grow. Hubby is off playing tennis which brings him tremendous joy, and because it brings him joy, it also brings me joy. Plus I like having time to myself to do as I please while he's doing so. This is what I wish for you while your beau is off skiing. Make the most of it! Can't wait to hear about it.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.