Yes Dotsie.. i think this questioning is quite essential to me right now. I have to pursue these things seriously..what I mean is..give weight to them. And it´s kind of exciting,too. It´s interesting that a relationship can give you the means to take yourself more seriously..very very interesting!

Yes, I have called my old friend this week-end and it seems that we just might be able to meet..either here in Stockholm or in Örebro..which is her hometown and lamost half way between our homes.

She was very happy that I called. And she said that she had been thinking of my Susan lately and had found a little plastic heart necklace that Susan had given her...Susan loved her very much because she is a lively, active, interesting and loving person. She tells you what she thinks straight off the bat..and she can be cold as ice if she feels you have gone too far into her privacy. A very very interesting lady, my dear friend. Maybe Susan has had something to do with our meeting again???

Thank you, Dotsie. No, I don´t journal..I guess I kinda write here or to my few friends on MSN or mail..or facebook. And THIS helps alot..I did journal at times in my life..but I guess I don´t have time now. Or think I don´t.. hmm..
"some sacred place.."