Yes, Hannelore..I finally left my husband because I felt lonely and alone in our relationship..and I don´t want to have that kind of feeling ever that way, at least. I want to feel that I come first sometimes and that my partner enjoys being with me..and that we SHARE our lives!

BUT as you, Anno, I happy..happy when he comes home? Yes, I am actually..when I think about it. And I do feel that the home we have made together is a "safe place" where I can be ME..whatever that is at a given time..and this is EXTREMELY important to me. And my 18 yr old son can be who he is at any given time..and that is not always easy

But I DO feel that sometimes "my own time" becomes too often and too long..but perhaps I need to make sufficient "noise" then.. hmm..

And somewhere along the line..after reading your answers..all of you..and thinking quite a bit and feeling quite a bit today thru the day..I do believe that I have to take myself more in myself..and find the niches that interest me and follow them..well, some of them. They are as important to me as my partner´s job and computer game is to him. I need to get that thru my head and really believe it. Hmmm...

But our lives need to meet too..have time together..that we both enjoy..hmm..

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your thoughts so far!!!! THANK YOU!!!
"some sacred place.."