There's a saying a squadron in the Air Force had as its logo..."Nothing Happens Unless Something Moves." So true...thus my thighs and big butt!!! Today, after building up with fast walks on the treadmill at a gym, I finally broke through that wall I've had up and started jogging, again. I walked/jogged 3 miles and it felt so good. I started running when I was in Jr. High School There was a Patty Duke movie where she jogged and heard music in her head to help her keep pace that inspired me to run and I ran up until about 5 years ago. Thus my weight gain (with the help of Krispy Kream doughnuts). I want to drop 20 pounds and feel for the first time in five years that I am really doing something that will work. I've changed my diet and work out 5 days a week with my SIL. Baby Boomers are in the gym and we give each other great's fun and I'm truly enjoying this.
To all of you who are taking steps to improve your health..I'm proud of you and keep going.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards