and Ross sound so happy...and what a romantic way to spend Valentine's raised your children right...I had tears in my eyes reading what you wrote about them. And yes, they'll always be your kids no matter the age.
Louisa...I'm still laughing...when is the book coming out?

Here's my Valentine's day...My Larry, bless him, is NOT a romantic at all...but, he's a good hint taker...but, this year I decided not to hint but to let him do or not do according to Larry. Normally, when he works on a special day he'll leave a card or a note on the bedside table...Thursday there was flowers delivered and by the afternoon I have to admit, I felt a little bummed...I thought oh gosh he didn't want to bother this year. We had plans to go out to dinner that night so I looked forward to that. He came home from work (no card, no flowers and I was thinking shoot...he's really forgotten). I gave him his card and gift and he thanked me and said, "I didn't get you a card." I said, 'that's okay' and I got dressed and when he helped me into the truck and got in, he reached into the console and with a big grin on his face handed me a card....He wrote the most tender words I've ever read and of course the tears welled up and ran down my face...that got him chocked up and his eyes welled up...then I realized he'd found a love song channel on the satellite radio and that got to me even more. We drove not far from our house to an Italian Restaurant and in the back are little cubicles large enough for one table, two chairs and it's very romantic. There were rose petals sprinkled on the floor and on the tables. When he sat me in our cubicle there on the table was a beautiful pink vase with a pink heart and ribbon filled with purple tulips (my favorite flower color)...he'd had the florist deliver them that afternoon to the restaurant to surprise me. The cubicle has velveteen drapes and they were drawn so we could be there we sat holding hands, in candlelight with a ceiling twinkling with fiberglass stars and soft music playing...I was in heaven. It was so romantic and I loved every moment. On our way home Larry looked at me and said...'you can't say I'm not romantic, now can you?' The rest of the evening is private but I can say that the most precious gift Larry gave me Valentine's day was a side of him he wasn't used to giving...the romantic part. Before we went to sleep in each other's arms he kissed me and said...'I'll get better with this romantic stuff over time.' I told him the evening and everything he did was perfect...just perfect and he could not have done better. Not bad for a man who has never done this before...I'm such a lucky woman.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards