Beatle Mania

Saturday night I was swept into a boomer heaven time warp.
Another couple, my husband and I went out for a night on the town. This is a fun couple that enjoys a good time. They’re always up for anything, so when we mentioned a show, they were in.

It was a gorgeous winter evening in Baltimore, which means warmer than usual, so everyone was heading toward the city. I’m not sure where everyone else was going, but we were anxious to get to Regi’s for what turned out to be, a very quick bite to eat, (we got stuck in traffic and arrived late).

Rain: The Beatle’s Experience was at the Hippodrome and we were psyched to get there. After scarfing down our dinner and wine, we were on our way to the theater. Pulling in the parking garage, we were reminded by all the surrounding boomers that we were in for a treat. There may have been a few twenty-somethings, and a couple boomer grandchildren (“I’m taking you to hear this music and you WILL like it”), but the rest looked like a mini boomer city. There was lots of hair dye, highlights, gray hair, and balding men, and it felt so good to be a part of it.

After finding our seats, we gazed at the big screens surrounding the stage. Every couple seconds, another 60s trivia question popped up for us to consider. You could hear others whispering words like: Prell, Nixon, Kennedy, the Ed Sullivan Show. You get my drift. We were stepping back to the days of our youth.

Now I must share, that I was born in 1958. While I liked the Beatle’s music, it really was a teeny bit before my time, teeny. However, I was able to belt out all the lyrics because their music belonged to my older brother and sister. Though I may not have owned the albums or 45s, they did. I reaped the benefits.

Eventually, the bells rang, lights dimmed and the big screens showed teens of the 60s going wild while watching the Beatles live. The clothes, pointed glasses, and hairdos took you back. I was immediately in my childhood bedroom with an album on the record player. I could see the orange walls and crazy flowered contact paper we used on the inside panels of our bedroom doors to accent the lovely bright orange walls. It all flashed before my eyes. I stayed in my youth for the next couple hours. It was exhilarating.

Rain finally took the stage and they looked and sounded just like the Beatles. You could hear everyone singing along with them. I got a huge kick out of watching the balding, gray haired men, dressed most conservatively, boogying in their seats. No one could sit still, everyone’s lips were moving, smiles were plastered on faces. It was a totally feel good evening.

Then they played Imagine, and the mood changed. I couldn’t help but think how relevant that song is today. I’m was betting everyone else was thinking and feeling the same. In fact, my friend leaned over and said, “This could STILL be our theme song.” It brought tears to my eyes.

But not to take this in the wrong direction, let me get back on track. Do you recall these songs?

All My Loving
Twist and Shout
A Hard Day's Night
I'm Happy Just to Dance with You
Eight Days a Week
Eleanor Rigby
Yellow Submarine
Got to Get You into My Life
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
When I'm Sixty-Four
Strawberry Fields Forever
All You Need Is Love
Yellow Submarine
All You Need Is Love
Come Together
Let It Be
I Want To Hold Your Hand
Hey Jude

Everyone a hit! They band changed sets and clothes with every album. They continued to show the crowds on the big screens, the Ed Sullivan show, commercials from the 60s, the men landing on the moon, and anything else that helped sweep you back in time. Several times they had us up dancing and singing to the music. People were swaying while holding both arms in the air with peace signs on both hands. It was magical.

We didn’t want the evening to end. If the show comes to your town, you gotta see it.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.