exilentb resolution seems like a win win situasion for parents and child and all the others involved.
Outta the big arraw of advice on offer a way forward was found and its sounds exilent, maybee even feels right if their is such a thingie or is that just my concinses lol.
i am so happie for you all and happie your son had suck a good insight and bringing stuff together.
Quite a familie their, that work at things wen its less than ideal or tough, that make comprimises, sacrifices but above all else gett to find a way forwared weer all needs are considered and accounted for....thats almost ideal in my book. Nuthings naturalie easie or ideal in this life (i think) so if evers theirs a stratigie or attitude to have or make the best srta choices i think your lot are managing that reallie well.
text book

god din't you do a good job with your owen son and you all gotta have a good solid foundasion between all your relashionships and between the others relashionships with each other for this to work, to be pulled off so far
And great communicasion

now im gonna have a good day, knowing the bit of good resolusion and way forwardes been found.

cheers made my day so far.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn