LADIEJANE....snapp how i fell exactlie, the pros and cons of the situasion are wild.

...GIMS SUMED IT UP...While focusing on the ball, Anaiya's mom may be juggling what comes first - child vs. Olympics. Pursuing the Olympics might bring big rewards which could be beneficial for the family in the long run. At the same time, it could break the family apart.....sadlie the realitie.

SOOOOO what can be done not to let the familie brake apart....hold it together for a bit somehow anyway that ya can...

I know the helplessness you feel having a little one cry for a situasion that we as adults can do nuthing about, at end of day its not our call or is not in our power to change it....the powerless, helplessness, frustrasion and pain horrendes when its our beloved kids that hurt....
I like your sons take on the situasion, she would more than liklie (unless she an angel) resent what brought her back and missing this small window of chance she has....i would agree and admire his control and willingness to let his wife do as she is, he's wise in manie would have to be "her" say that she come home and miss the olimpics...

iv loads to say on this topic and at the same time a big need to shut up, im sending you the biggest hugs i have...and treading carefullie as this is so emotive and all concerned

the wee one is setting dowen patterns that will (could) turne into bluprints for the rest of her life, that love or securitie from her mum (generalised as all people) could be transient and always vanish....if could be a blueprint that follows into adulthood relashionship dynamics.... (oh bugger this can't be easie for her mum either,) i bet theirs a wh9ole load of greef and guilt on her part ....and the dailie ritual and growth of her kid, once come and gone will be lost forever to her mum....i don't know if this effects the kids, Who rembers thier first steap? or its the parent that misses so much and can never have that time back....but dailie patterns are more importnt for the kid..

she will miss the mum the inituale time of sepearation will be horrible for her, the blueprints above MIGHT become a relashionship pattern....BUT THEN again maybee NOT, maybee not..

in manie ways you are powerless over the Dl and what patterns Ayna develops. This is a complex situasion of juggling the needs of mums and children, both are people both have humane writtes...its less hard with the son as the contact is more regulare and frequint, its predictible and regulare its not the same as the mums type of contact...Id call a man for being outa line with parenting as quick as a flash however it is a bit diffrent (regularitie, freqincie, predictabilitie)and i do hate (and love) to say this parenting is parenting but the relashionship between mums dads and kids is differnt....tradisionalie and often in i say i love and hate this fact at same time.

trying to think be back in moment...
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn