Ladyjane, I got goosebumps looking at the beautiful pictures and listening to the cool music accompanying them. Just two years ago Hubby and I vacationed in Conway Maine! I particularly remember the antique old 5 and 10 cent store.
I would love to go with you on the cliffs and breathe in the salt air and listen to the ocean roar. We could sing together “ I am woman, hear me roar!” Bet we’re louder. Lol , thanks sooo much for posting these.

No, I’m not confused Meredith, because I have been in your area as well! When our sons were 13 and 15 we took a trip along the California coast and spent a day at Venice Beach. I still have the t-shirt I bought there. It’s the best quality t- shirt I’ve ever owned.I just pictured you roller-skating with purple hair along the wide walks.
We missed Laguna Beach, darn darn … I could eat up artsy towns. Just love ‘em.. You got it all, beaches and mountains. How perfect is that!

Gimster, you’re right. 30 miles is nothing in the big old USA. Catching bluebonnets in bloom? What fun! I’ve never been on a Steamboat before. A trip through the Big Thicket sounds wild. I bet you got bears there, and a hoe down? I haven’t visited your corner of the world yet; Sounds enticing.

Gosh this world is beautiful.