I guess I am going to revive this subject because of the fact that I need to get cracking on this.

One of the other times in my life when I quit smoking, I kept in mind that when I was born, I wasn't born with a cigarette in my mouth. When I was a child, I didn't give cigarettes a second thought and I managed to be happy. I am going to try that focus again. The more I think about it, the more unnatural it is to smoke. Then it will turn into an unwanted object on my body. Does this make sense?

I will try to look closely at others while smoking and concentrate on how unnatural it really looks. I know this sound nutty, but it worked for me before.

It is not the quitting that I have difficulty with. It is the staying quit part that I have a hard time with. It can be 6 months down the road after I quit and something irritating would happen and it triggers a craving for me to smoke again. Then I go out and buy that pack of cigarette's and try to convince myself, just this one cigarette, that's all. Yeah right!

Alright, I am hoping to revive this subject and have other's join me.
