Thanks should not be tossed away easliy..ever. And sometimes in the past..since my divorce, I have just said to my partner (the one I have now)..well, that´s it. That´s the end,then. It took me sooo looong to leave my former husband of 32yrs marriage that I am sometimes sick of having relationship problems again. BUT I KNOW this is part of I am patient somewhere anyway. At least, I think that I am.

1 million Swedish crowns is about 140,000 dollars right now. My partner helped me figure out. He´s the mathematical genius in our twosome. But then there´s the question of salaries and taxes and blah blah. We,Swedes, tend not ot have too much money to work with or save. It goes to taxes that do make medical bills much cheaper, for example.
"some sacred place.."