Eagleheart..computer game addiction..you have probably heard that term. It´s real. And the problem, for me, is above all, that it sucks in all his thoughts and plans...which most addiction does. Before he would say, "I have to think about what you said and get back to you"..not anymore. We have discussed just this many times. We have made new plans to do other things and curb computer time..but it doesn´t work. Our radio clock by the bed is always turned toward his computer when I come home from work. Meaning he has been on his computer. He doesn´t always do the housework that we agreed was his..and I see it as part of his computer time. He starts work later than I do and works later into the evening. 2 evenings a week he comes home after 11pm or 12pm. So he has computer time in the mornings and in the evenings as we are night people.
"some sacred place.."