has stalked you with both great joy and pain. And you dared to trust again..and got fooled big time. What gets my wheels turning is your clarity about you want and don´t want..who you are, I guess. And it´s ok with me..I can read your post and believe it. There´s nothing self-deceiving in "knowing" about yourself..that´s what comes thru to me and makes me think. And your, for me unbelievable (until now) ability to rise above and "go on" with yourself and your life. Loosing just about everything during your 3rd marriage..with your 2 wonderful marriages in your pocket (heart)..and being able to pick up, clean up, organize and see the person that is you understand? There is no fear or regret in your post/ YOU. You can live with yourself and like it. I probably sound like a silly teenager..but this has really got me going..burning my rubbish/garbage on the way. It just hit me that perhaps some of my "stops" are due to my religious background: first Catholic and later New Church (Swedenborg). There´s so much guilt interwoven in these religions (for me, anyway)..and I think they have formed me more than I know. When I think that I am finally "free"..something like your life comes up and hits me between the eyes..and I have to start again. This is GOOD. Thank you so much. UGH..wishywashy words. Your sons have a wonderful mother to relate to and come back to. I am guessing that they have solid relationships themselves. NO ANSWER needed on this one.

To relate to the thread we are on.. I am in a SO relationship but considering the single life again. Maybe I´m like that cat you spoke of, Chattylady..of course, I am Virgo too. And they often end up single or so they say. wheels are rolling...
"some sacred place.."