I disappeared last summer and I wanted to share with ya'll one of the reasons I did. For some weird reason I absolutely LOVE wallpapering...although it's harder at 57 than it was at 37. I had family visiting Thanksgiving and needed to get these rooms finished. I did them back to back so by the time I finished I was really sick of wallpapering. Anyway, I wanted to share with ya'll photos of the finished products. I had to paint the doors, wood trim and painted the furniture in the twin bedroom white. One thing I learned is there's not a square wall in the place...the house is 136 years old and trying to work with wallpaper with verticle designs is a nightmare. Am I glad that job is over. (Hey Georgia...I finally figured out how to add multiple photos...YEAH!)



"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards