I've wanted to ask for prayers here before about this, but didn't want to cover up anyone else's request. But I decided to ask tonight.

I've been sick since our return from the cruise (Dec 28th). It's been a weird thing. It doesn't feel like the flu, (and I had the flu shot); it does feel like a cold, most of the time, with all the symptoms of a bad cold. It would be insignificant if it wasn't for the longevity - and other side-symptoms, like sudden bouts of extreme weakness and fatigue.

Tonight, I was up in the living room praying, very peaceful, feeling pretty good, not even a sniffle or cough. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I started throwing up. No warning whatsoever. This has been happening more frequently.

I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow. We're leaving very soon to go south. This doesn't feel so good. So I'm asking for your prayers for a speedy restoration to better health. Thank you...

...and I have to go to bed right now because I suddenly feel so unwell that I can barely type - I'm used to mental/emotional difficulty, but this level of physical unwellness is VERY unusual for me.

Edited by Eagle Heart (01/21/08 03:46 AM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)