Though I've known, played and babysat a niece and nephew since they were babies, no they aren't phoning me nor any of their aunts and uncle. They are in their early 20's and bright young adults who are genuinely thoughtful people.

I think this closer bonding thing might be actually more complicated when there is alot of aunts and uncle who live elsewhere in the city /country.

Maybe for our family , they just want to give even attention...and hence end up distant with all of us. this is ok, we're not their parents. I'm not certain if niece phones her mom (my sister) but there is decent communication. She happily comes to all the local family gatherings. This is good enough ...since I hear too many stories of other people avoiding family functions.

The language barriers can be very real in some multi-generational families where the older generation still barely speaks English. It is very true between my parents and all their grandchildren. What can be done about it? Not much, just make the family gathering events pleasant, memorable so that the adult grandkids truly want to come and will modify their personal schedules to come.

But Di, in this type of less verbal communication between my parents and grandchildren, is just the sheer presence of these 2 cross-cultural generations celebrating together an event, is meaningful. It doesn't have to be all talk. I believe for the grandchildren who cannot speak Chinese (not even the 100% Chinese blood grandchildren, who are as clueless as 50% Chinese grandchildren), the sheer presence of my parents to them, is a visual reminder that enhances their identity, their roots, ....and most likely enhances the understanding of their parents, the 2nd-generation Canadian-born Chinese.

To speak the same language and to have great phone spontaneous voluntary phone conversation would be great, but the present methods already will serve the grandchildren well to appreciate their grandparents...and history.

I have wondered what is it like not know your roots, mother country in family lineage, not to have any inkling of your families' maternal/paternal tongues from way is a wonder sometimes for some people they feel disconnected and grab onto other external, quick gratification things to define their identiy/uniqueness.

_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)