M-4...thanks, Lola. How many M's are there? The London drive through was left-hand steering, which made it worse. However, when I had my 2nd tour in England in 1981 I knew I had to buy a car with right hand drive and my first British car was a Woosley (not sure of the spelling) and after that I had a Ford Anglia (I think a copper brown color with black top)(isn't that what's parked in the front yard of Daisy and Onslow in Keeing Up Appearances? That's about what mine looked like... Love that show. I eventually worked my way up to a small, compact Volvo. I must say it was quite a harrowing experience learning to drive in England in 1977...I about peed my pants when I forgot and drove on the right instead of the left...only did that a couple of times before it stuck. The round abouts are quite fun and practical...we need them in this country...too many traffic lights.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards