Lynn, this is amazing. Yesterday we went to church and the sermon was called "Here I am, but send Harry". It was all about purpose. There was a lot of emphasis on each of us answering God's call to go and do whatever He asked of us. It was well done, but of course, left me feeling this sense of failure with no sense of purpose or direction. But I prayed earnestly for God to help me put that sermon in the context of my situation, because He knows my heart and knows my circumstances. I distinctly heard Him say "Rest for now; you are where I need you to be. When it's time to move, there will be no doubt in your mind where I want you to go and I will give you whatever resources you need when you need them."

Why is it so hard to accept that "just being" has as much purpose as any other calling? God has made it clear, in so many ways, that it's okay just to be still for now.

Besides, it gives me all this time to be here - where else could possibly be a better place to "just be" than right here?
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)