Lynnie, you must have been AWOL a bunch of months (years?) back when I wrote about my 2 pair of 300 reading glasses that I wear over each other to do my daily tweezing ritual. I'm not big on beauty routines but black hair on light green skin is ...just...not...pretty. None on my cheeks but a little mustache and some on chin.

I haven't tried Nair or anything similar on my face because I tend to have allergy problems, and if my face gets a rash and my eyes swell shut, then I'll look a lot worse than I do with 20 hairs that are about a zillionth of an inch long.

About once a month, I gouge a tiny hole in my face from trying to tweeze a stubborn hair that doesn't want to come out. I'm trying to be less fanatical, but it's not easy.

Dancer, you'll laugh at this -- but when I started kindergarten, at age 5, one of the first things I noticed were that there were kids who DID NOT have hairy arms and legs! LOL

Meredith, who if you see me wearing long pants in the winter ... you can do the math!