Orchid, I can so relate to this! When I went to University, at the ripe old age of 41, I needed a foreign language to graduate. Since I didn't want to waste time in taking a language class, and since I was graduating that semester, I thought I would try the equivalency exam in French, as I had been fluent in French 25 years earlier! The exam was oral and written, which I didn't know beforehand. So I placed into 2nd semester, 2nd year French (to qualify, I had to place into 3rd year level). I really didn't want to be stuck into a class of 2nd semester, 2nd year French, so bought a French text that they were using at the U and did a quick review (well, about a month's worth) before retaking the exam and passed. I was amazed at how much I actually remembered! I can understand the gist of most French conversations now, but wouldn't be able to get all the verb tenses right, and I've forgotten most of the vocabulary. But learning Latin and Greek waaaay back in high school really helped, I think. I can understand some Spanish and Italian words, but the Greek is long gone, except for the alphabet that I can just barely remember. Isn't it funny how selective the memory can be?!
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich