
I have no idea what's so great about going to some 3rd world country (let's face it, a whole lot of places on this earth are 3rd world countries) where people live in poverty and deprivation and say to yourself "This is brilliant! I'm having such an enlightening experience here!" Fooling around for weeks or months and then going back to their 1st world homes all aglow with their enlightment. I don't get it. I just find it all to be largely depressing. Yet they talk about it like it was the be-all end-all of living to the fullest.

Traveling (as opposed to vacationing) is a major pain in the a$$. Living abroad is even worse. I just don't understand how so many people have it so romanticized as though it's the highest possible goal in life. I hate traveling.

At this very moment, I am vacationing in a mountain ski resort area about 400 km. northeast of Vancouver. Would I want to live here? Well no, not beyond several months. And this is CAnada. AS I have said, if I live anywhere in the world, it must be close to public transportation and preferably with some routes that allow bikes.

And I am here in Canada where there are many places I could only live 2-3 yrs, particularily for rural areas. I even was interviewed for a job in the Arctic. I would have wnated to be there merely from the LEARNING perspective since there is a strong Inuit community there where rest of Canada just forgets about them.

It is nice to live somewhere where: government is stable(not at war); health care services are reliable and not expensive; transportation system is reliable and safe; food is safe and diverse; telecommunications infrastructure is excellent (not every place in world has cheap Internet and phone services) and above all, a place where there are interesting things to experience often and things aren't just the same all the time.

Maybe for some folks who boast about their exotic travels..just don't express their secret wish that they're glad they don't live in a 3rd world country that they visited.

For myself, madness I prefer to live in a world where there is a mix of people from different socio-economic-ethnic backgrounds that mingle well along each other.

Your other choice is if you have your own bank account...and choose to live separately from hubby for awhile in a country that you desire long-term. This latter choice is not entirely desirable if the marriage is rocky..but possible for 1-2 years if communication is maintained frequently with committment for exchange of visits.

Where did you say you were going to in China? Where would you and hubby like to live long-term when neither of you are working?
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)