I keep meaning to get back to this but then something comes along and my brain turns to compost and I couldn't construct a thought to save my life.

I visit a couple of travel websites since we sometime go places, and see that there are plenty of people who are dedicated to traveling like it was some kind of holy grail. They all have nics ending in "trekker" and "wanderer" and disparage people dull enough to stay home and be content. And I don't get it.

I have no idea what's so great about going to some 3rd world country (let's face it, a whole lot of places on this earth are 3rd world countries) where people live in poverty and deprivation and say to yourself "This is brilliant! I'm having such an enlightening experience here!" Fooling around for weeks or months and then going back to their 1st world homes all aglow with their enlightment. I don't get it. I just find it all to be largely depressing. Yet they talk about it like it was the be-all end-all of living to the fullest.

Traveling (as opposed to vacationing) is a major pain in the a$$. Living abroad is even worse. I just don't understand how so many people have it so romanticized as though it's the highest possible goal in life. I hate traveling.