How many different countries have you lived in mrs. madness?

Still, it must be abit tiring.
Where I work, we have a large percentage of foreign employees..meaning ex-patriate employees hired directly from outside of Canada. Some have dragged around their wife, children for past few years worldwide.

And most of the married/coupled ex-pat employees in our organization are male...which means its their wives that have to endure.

Some wives I've met, are highly intelligent, assertive women who did have great former paid work careers. Wonder how some of these marriages last..

It would be exciting for maybe 1-2 country placements, but thereafter, particularily when children are involved, it would be stressful.

My office is adjacent to several offices of other managers whose spouse or partner are living in a different country at this time.

But this is common worldwide --in engineering construction projects. This is how engineers can make their careers --international assignments...while they try to keep some semblance of a family life.

I do hear from these well-travelled folks who can speak English, of their adjustments to find accommodation on short notice, figure out local health care, etc.

Mrs. madness, if you don't mind me asking: Would your marriage be different..if you didn't have to move around for your hubby's job?
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)