Yes, the doctor dilated my eyes. I will have to call tomorrow and ask about the vitreo-retinal traction. I've never heard of it, that's for sure.

Here's a crude illustration of what happens. Also, the circle of light is a bit bigger than the actual ones I experience... Let's say, I lay down on my left side and all is dark, eyes closed as I get ready to go to sleep. Instantaneously, the little white disc pops into my vision field. It's not from any particular direction at any time, but is always in the lower right portion of my right eye. It can pop in and pop out, staying in one spot, or it can travel - say it pops in just to the right of mid-eye, then travels to the outer corner, sometimes in an on/off progression. It is a circle for sure, with halo properties (as I tried to depict in the illustration). It only pops in for a fraction of a second, but can do it one, two or three times in one instance before quitting. There is no pattern to the appearances/disappearances, meaning it may or may not happen at any time. And, I can be anywhere and doing anything.

The little pinheads of light are throughout the eye, and in both left and right. They are sporadic, too, and I've found no pattern to them, either.

Boy, thank your hubby for the info, and thank you for being the go-between. I will start looking for a retinal specialist tomorrow... I'm a hypochondriac, if you haven't figured that out yet. And, my eyes and brain are the one things I do NOT want to loose! Ever! Take my hair instead!

The illustration is me looking out through my right eye.

Edited by gimster (12/12/07 01:38 AM)