Gimster, as you have read, I also have a very difficult and ill mother.
You try SO hard, it breaks my heart! It is not your fault that your mother is the way she is and I hope you take time for yourself and to bolster your self esteem!

You are doing A LOT compared to me, although I DID do a lot and devoted a lot of my youth to trying to help my mother.
It breaks my heart to read of how hard you try! I hope so much that you remember you and that you are innocent and YOU are the daughter who is missing a mother!

I don't think you could do more than you are! I am so impressed but at the same time I worry for you and your heart when you are so close for too long a time with a mother who does not appreciate you! Please correct me if I am wrong, of course!

I read your post and my heart went out to you as a fellow "mother caretaker," and as a person! You are SO
kind to put up with what you are that I wanted to tell you and to try to also tell you to give to yourself!

You deserve love and unconditional love at that! You deserve thanks for what you are doing for your mother and appreciation!

I just wanted to mention my oppinion, coming in where I probably don't belong!


"Question your privilege"