Since April of 07, since we learned of my mother's metastatic breast cancer that is terminal, and since we learned she has Alzheimer's, I've been saying "hospice, hospice, hospice." But there was a whole lot of reasons she was not eligible for hospice, such as the fact that the oncologist is giving her a medication, not a cure, but a treatment to possibly slow the growth of the tumors. Well, finally, after writing many letters, making phone calls, researching, etc. all from one state to another, today I finally got word that Mom is accepted into a hospice in AZ. She will remain at home, but hospice will visit often, providing care and comfort not only for her but also for my step-dad, her caretaker. On one hand I feel that my tenacity paid off: I got her what she needed. On the other hand, it is a sad sad day to realize that her condition is indeed so terminal she needs hospice.